
12 12, 2021

2021 Turkey Trot Results

2021-12-17T07:40:09+00:00December 12th, 2021|News, Results, Slideshow|

Congratulations to Chris Kilburn and Abigail Halcarz, winners of the 2021 Turkey Trot, and to all of the runners who took part. Photos courtesy of Chris Hill.  Find more of Chris' photos here: Tony Jarrow has also released a gallery of photos from the day: Place No Name Club Time 1st [...]

10 12, 2018

2018 Turkey Trot Results

2021-01-23T12:20:04+00:00December 10th, 2018|Results, Results and Pictures, Slideshow|

Congratulations to Jimmy Kershaw, winner of the 2018 Turkey Trot in 1:12:32! Well done all the team and category winners, and thank you to all the volunteers who made the event such a success once again. Just to remind you, if you're a category winner but have won an overall prize, we award the [...]

11 02, 2018

35th Turkey Trot Results

2021-01-23T13:59:24+00:00February 11th, 2018|Results, Results and Pictures, Slideshow|

For the first time ever, we had to postpone the 2017 race due to the weather. Congratulations to Matthew Nutt on braving the chilly February weather and winning the Turkey Trot in 1:15:27, to all the category winners, and to everyone that took part and supported the race.  Here are the winners: 1st Overall: Matthew [...]

11 12, 2016

2016 Results

2021-01-23T12:20:43+00:00December 11th, 2016|Results, Results and Pictures, Slideshow|

Perfect conditions greeted the competitors to this year's Turkey Trot - well done to all of you! Download results: CSV PDF . The winners were: 1st Overall 757 Andrew Peat Long Eaton RC 1:10:13  2nd Male 152  Tim Hartley 1:10:52  3rd Male 190  Rob Keal Notts AC 1:12:13  4th Male 250  Hywel Davis McCarkiss Project [...]


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