Under UK Athletics’ rules, “numbers are non-transferable except with the specific authority of the Race Secretary”. This is for safety reasons. If there is an accident or incident, we really need to know who you are.
Additionally, running without permission may delay or stop the award ceremony, and/or the production of the results. It could be pretty embarrassing for you too. The nightmare scenario is that your find yourself called up to accept the over sixty male veteran prize, and you are an 18 year old woman! And yes, we have had to chase a turkey across the country because it was incorrectly awarded, so please be considerate of us, the organisers. In addition it means we have the wrong details in the event of an emergency. Some races impose lifetime bans for running on some one else’s number without permission.
We do run a transfer process, though it is subject to withdrawal at any time. Check the information on the website, and on the running instructions for dates and what to do, or contact us.