The Keyworth Turkey Trot Half Marathon is an established and popular part of the December running calendar.
Keyworth is a village nestled in the countryside of the South Nottinghamshire Wolds, eight miles to the south east of Nottingham.
The quality of the course itself, and its organisation, means many runners return year after year.
As you would expect from an established race, the route is well marked, and marshals are present to protect, guide and encourage the runners. Radio cover around the route is provided by RAYNET enabling spectators at the start/finish line to be continuously informed about the progress of the runners, and providing reliable communication around the route.
Traditionally, prizes of turkeys have been awarded to the individual winners of the various categories. However, with increasingly diverse dietary requirements, we have chosen to replace them with food vouchers, which can be used to purchase a turkey or alternative tasty treat.
As well as individual prizes, ladies and men’s team trophies will be awarded – please see elsewhere on this page.
£50 cash prizes are awarded for establishing a new male or female overall course record.
Free parking is provided in three car parks in the village. Even the most distant car park is within walking distance to the start/finish point.
Facilities at the race include St John’s Ambulance first aid at the start/finish and roving first aid on the route, three drinks stations on the route, toilets, hot showers, refreshments, secure changing area & kit storage, trade stands including the sale of running shoes and equipment, sale of race T-shirts bearing the names of our runners and pre- and post- race massage.
At the finish, runners can enjoy a well earned complementary hot soup, tea or coffee or a cold beverage.
We even cater for runners’ supporters who can relax indoors and enjoy a little entertainment, while they await the return of the runners.
Unlike the Robin Hood Marathon and London Marathon, Keyworth Turkey Trot is not an international event. It does however attract a small number of overseas entries. These are usually from runners who already happen to be visiting the UK at the time of the race. So if you are in the UK for a holiday, on business, or to see a friend or relative when the race is on, why not enter? We are sure you will enjoy the race. E-mail us to find out more.
The race is organised by the 1st Keyworth Scout Group Executive Committee and all funds raised will go towards supporting the activities of the 1st Keyworth Scout Group (Registered Charity Number 1030336) and local charities selected by the Group. The race is conducted under UK Athletics rules. UK Athletics certificate of accuracy Midlands 14/287. Race Licence 2017 – 28358. Minimum age for entry is 18 years, on the date of the race. There is a race limit as identified on the RunBritain website. The organisers reserve the right to limit and refuse entries. There will be no day entries. Time limit 2 1/2 hours. Minimum pace 12 minutes per mile.
UK Athletics affiliated club members are automatically entered for the Team Trophy under their club name, unless they additionally provide a team name.
- Non-affiliated runners must enter a team name on their entry form in order to be entered.
- A separate category is run for males and females. Scores are based on male positions and female positions, not overall position.
- Three runners must finish for each team.
- The team with the lowest aggregate score for its first three runners wins.
- Aggregate time will be used in the event of a tie.
The course is a single circuit, all on road, starting and finishing in the village of Keyworth passing through the undulating (up and down!) rural scenery and villages of the South Nottinghamshire Wolds. The course is considered to be both challenging and rewarding, and being a little hilly, is well suited to being run in December.
If you’d like a taster of the atmosphere, the scenery and the course, here’s a video of the 2016 race by Running Guru.
The mens’ course record, set in 2008 is 67 minutes and 39 seconds, and is held by Tim Hartley. The ladies’ record, held by Nicola Clay of Stilton Striders is 77 minutes and 58 seconds. A full record listing is available.
The race commences at 10.30 am from South Wolds School. From there runners will head out east along Church Drive, then turn south along Wolds Drive, passing Rutherford’s Budgens (who are kindly providing the Turkeys this year), the various other shops of The Parade and Keyworth Tavern public house on the left. At the end of gentle climb up Wolds Drive, runners will turn west onto Selby Lane, passing the Village Hall, Centenary Lounge and Parochial Hall on the right, and then The Plough public house and Methodist Church on the left. Reaching Keyworth Village Square, runners will be guided onto Bunny Lane, passing the Shops and Village Amities of the Square on the left, and the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene on the right, noted for its short spire. Once on Bunny Lane, runners will run in a westerly direction, downhill, passing the boundary of the village at around the 1 mile point in the race.At the end of Bunny Lane, runners will turn south onto Wysall Road heading towards the village of Wysall, passing the 2, 3 and 4 mile points before reaching the village itself. This, the most challenging, (up and downhill, a number of times!!!!), section of the race, starts when runners pass a signpost indicating a road to the west/right heading to Bunny, a little after the 2 1/2 mile mark.
Having survived the hills, runners will reach Wysall, and turn right onto Main Street, passing The Plough public house on the left, and then turn left. Runners will now find they are heading east, on Widmerpool Road and will shortly be able to take advantage of the first drinks station. A little after the drinks station, the runners will turn south east onto West Thorpe/Hades Lane passing the 5 and 6 mile points, heading for Willoughby-on-the-Wolds.
At Willoughby runners turn left onto the A6006, Back Lane, for an uphill run, passing the 7 mile mark. Runners then turn left, onto Main Street, were they will find our second drink staion. Runners will then pass the site of the former Three Horse Shoes public house on the left, after the road has veered left, and finally turn right on to Widmerpool Lane, heading north for Widmerpool.
Runners soon pass the 8 mile mark, and continue north to the 9 mile mark, by which point the road has become Willoughby Road. Running downhill into Widmerpool, runners will be relieved to find the third drinks station, and will be guided northwest to Station Road, a notably flat section of the race.
Here runners will pass the 10 mile mark, and subsequently turn left, in a north westerly direction onto Thurlby Lane (uphill initially, and then again after a while, be warned!!!!). Runners will pass the 11 mile point, were the course thankfully becomes flat, and continue into the village of Stanton-on-the-Wolds, passing the 12 mile mark, by which time the route is starting to go downhill.
The road becomes Stanton Lane, and continues heading downhill, and then the road becomes Nicker Hill. Runners will turn left, seeing the British Geological Survey (BGS) on the right, having had a long downhill run, and then head along Wolds Drive, which is uphill at the beginning, right onto Walton Drive, gently uphill again and finally left onto Church Drive heading towards the FINISH LINE.
For SatNav, please use NG12 5GG to take you to the main race car park, from where a shuttlebus will transfer you to the race start area – it’s also a pleasant 5-10 minute walk if you’d rather.
Keyworth is located south east of Nottingham, and is off the A606 Nottingham to Melton Mowbray road.
Keyworth is also located off the A60 Nottingham to Loughborough Road.
The race starts and finishes at South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form, NG12 5FF.
Parking is available on the day, free of charge, in three car parks in and around the village, the largest of which is marked ‘P’ on the map above. Follow the parking signs when entering Keyworth, or click on the ‘P’ in the map above for directions. All car parks are within walking distance of the start/finish. The most distant car park additionally has a free shuttle bus service to and from the start/finish.
Trent Barton operate a regular bus service from Nottingham to Keyworth, called “The Keyworth”.Bus Timetables are available online.
Alight at The Parade on Wolds Drive (referred to as Wolds Drive Shops on the bus timetable). Head up Church Drive to South Wolds School.
Other Public Transport Information
The British Geological Survey (BGS), which is Keyworth’s major employer, has more detailed bus and rail travel information on its website,
Local Accommodation
The BGS website also lists various local accommodation.
Course Records
MALE – 1.07.39 TIM HARTLEY 2008
MALE OVER 40 – 1.07.39 TIM HARTLEY 2008
MALE OVER 50 – 1.13.30 RON GROVE 1989
MALE OVER 60 – 1.21.19 PAUL KELLY 2008
MALE OVER 70 – 1.45.28 FRANK MAKIN 2008
FEMALE – 1.13.38 JULIET DOYLE 2012
FEMALE OVER 35- 1.20.14 NICOLA CLAY 2009
FEMALE OVER 65 – 1.36:48 VAL NAYLOR 2009 (New UK Record)
Keyworth on the Run
This training schedule was published in the Keyworth News in 2004, also including suggested running routes around Keyworth.
If you’d like to take part in other races in the Village, why not try the Crossdale 10K and Fun Run (September), or the Keyworth Trail Run (March)?
Sorry, in general, we do not provide letters of invitation to runners, as we are not an international event, and not set up to handle international entries.
In addition we are well aware that the vast majority of such requests are not from genuine bona fide athletes, but from persons simply trying to obtain paperwork to support their case for entering the UK.
Yes. But unlike the Robin Hood Marathon and London Marathon, Keyworth Turkey Trot is not an international event. It does however attract a small number of overseas entries, usually from runners who already happen to be visiting the UK at the time of the race. So if you are in the UK for a holiday, on business, or to see a friend or relative when the race is on, we would be very glad to see you. The easiest way for you to enter may be online. We may ask you to pick your actual number up on the day of the race, and send you all your pre-race information by email.
We don’t worry about the odd minute or two, but runners that are obviously going to take more than 2 ½ hours to complete the course are offered two choices.
1. A lift back in our tail car. This is our preferred choice.
2. The opportunity to continue as a pedestrian with no marshal or medical support. In this case you are no longer part of the race, and agree that you run at your own risk. We will also make arrangements for you to retrieve your kit and number.
We impose the 2 ½ hour limit as it really isn’t a good idea to be out on the course, either as a runner or a marshal for longer than this, given the time of year.
No. If you have a running number (and it is yours!) then you are set to go.
You are issued with a timing chip which is activated as you cross the start line, and your finish time is recorded as you cross the finish.
PLEASE make sure you do not cross the finish line several times or your time may be corrupted.
We cannot encourage this practice. UK Athletics rules state that “No person is permitted to join in a race ……..unless he/she has been properly entered for that race and is eligible to run”. On the other hand, the race takes place on the public highway and we cannot physically stop you running without a number. If you are taking part in any race, and haven’t got a number, NEVER run through the finish funnel. Finish timing relies on separate number and time recording. Runners without a number mess up the result taking process and cause delays to the awards ceremony and publication of the results. This is unfair to everyone.
Under UK Athletics’ rules, “numbers are non-transferable except with the specific authority of the Race Secretary”. This is for safety reasons. If there is an accident or incident, we really need to know who you are.
Additionally, running without permission may delay or stop the award ceremony, and/or the production of the results. It could be pretty embarrassing for you too. The nightmare scenario is that your find yourself called up to accept the over sixty male veteran prize, and you are an 18 year old woman! And yes, we have had to chase a turkey across the country because it was incorrectly awarded, so please be considerate of us, the organisers. In addition it means we have the wrong details in the event of an emergency. Some races impose lifetime bans for running on some one else’s number without permission.
We do run a transfer process, though it is subject to withdrawal at any time. Check the information on the website, and on the running instructions for dates and what to do, or contact us.
What is an EA registration number?
What is an England Athletics registration number?
What is a Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland Athletics registration number?
What is a National Association registration number?What is a URN number?
What is a competition licence number?
What is a competitor licence number?
What type of registration number qualifies me for the £2 discounted race entry fee?
When introducing a new system, it’s obviously a good idea to make all the names and terminology the same to avoid confusion. Unfortunately this hasn’t happened in this case as illustrated by the myriad of terms above.
UK Athletics have changed the rules with regards to how attached/affiliated club runners get a £2 discount on a race entry, quite a few races and clubs have failed to pick up on the new rules properly. Keyworth Turkey Trot was inspected by BARR on behalf of UK: Athletics in 2008 and pretty much got a clean bill of health apart from not implementing the new rule!
To get the £2 discount, runners need to be BOTH a member of a UK:A affiliated/attached club AND in addition have paid some extra money to a National Association, ie England (or Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland) Athletics for a “Registration Number” which is sometimes called “competition licence” or “competitor licence”.
This means you may have paid two fees to your running/athletics club, one to join it, and the amount for this fee is typically between £10 and £30 and a second optional/additional fee of £5 to register with England Athletics.
If you have just paid the first fee, then you are not eligible for the £2 discount, and you are not insured to run in races. The £2 extra you pay to the race will cover you for the insurance.
If you have paid both fees, you will have received a plastic card, with your name, club and registration number on it. (The card gives you discount at Sweatshop on the back). This is the number that is needed for your £2 discount.
Valid numbers are seven digits long and contain just numbers, no letters.
Do not confuse this number with your club’s affiliation/registration to UK Athletics, or your own club membership number. Neither of these qualifies you for the £2 discount.
The UK Athletics/RunBritian online entry system refers to a URN number; surprisingly they are unable to tell us what URN stands for, our best speculation so far is Unique Registration Number, or UK Athletics Registration Number. It’s just another name for the same number as above.
Background Information
Here is the UK:Athletics Rule from the race licence:
42. A minimum discount of £2 on the entry fee will be allowed to all entrants who are club members registered with a National Association. Registration status will be confirmed by requesting the National Association registration number on the event entry form.
So you have to be both a club member AND registered with a national association . The National associations are England Athletics, Wales Athletics, Scotland Athletics and Northern Ireland Athletics.
The same rule appears in the rules for competition, the UK: Athletics rule book, but the wording is clearer:
Rule 204 (4) (iii) grant a minimum discount of £2 from the advertised race entry fee to any member of an affiliated Club who is also registered with a National Association.
The England Athletics web site give an explanation too:§ionTitle=Registration
England Athletics believes that athletes are at the centre of our sport. That is why we work hard to attract athletes into the sport and then provide them with the support they then need. A major aspect of that is our registration scheme. Many of the services that are available to athletes are best accessed through being part of an athletics club that is affiliated to England Athletics. By joining a club you can also become a registered athlete and enjoy many of the benefits this brings. Once you are a registered athlete you will be sent a competition licence.
UK Athletics is the national governing body for athletics in the UK.
RunBritain is the brand UK: Athletics use (together with England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) Athletics to focus on road running. is the web presence of the above brand, and is set up as a portal for all things to do with road running. It is operated by RealBuzz. is a web portal that covers Health & Fitness, Sport & Leisure, Food & Diet and Active Travel.
Some race organisers feel that the way in which UK: Athletics and its multitude of cohort sub-organisations administer the sport has become complex, convoluted and bureaucratic. They have set up a rival organisation that running clubs can affiliate to, to get race permits/licence/insurance. Some running clubs are affiliated to both UK: Athletics and ARC. It’s fair to say that UK: Athletics has tried ‘improve its game’ since the creation of ARC.
UK Athletics is the national governing body for athletics in the UK. UK: Athletics produces the rule book, and administers race licence/permits.
Races (and their organising clubs) need to be affiliated for insurance purposes etc. Affiliation is to a National Association ie England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Athletics, not UK: Athletics. In effect races affiliate to UK: Athletics via one of the national association. The National Associations are responsible for their respective geographic areas. They operate more on and a grass roots level, where as UK: Athletics operates more on a national /international level.
There seems to be a love of changing names and continual reorganisation within the Athletics world. Whist this may make some sense to those close to it, it just serves to add general confusion for runners/athletes, clubs and race organisers. Currently UK Athletics is at the top of the tree for Athletics and Running. UK Athletics is the successor organisation to BAF, British Athletics Federation, AAA, and Amateur Athletics Federation. The names of these earlier organisation are often used in place UK:A/ UK: Athletics due to failure to update documentation, sentiment, or a feeling that ‘the name will be changed again anyway, so what’s the point of updating it.’
Just ask one of the officials at the club. They will know. Be careful if you are a triathlete. Tri Clubs are affiliated to the BTA which is not the same as UK Athletics. Some Tri Clubs are affiliated to both BTA and UK:A.
Please note that ARC – the Association of Running Clubs is separate and is not affiliated to UK Athletics. Some clubs are affiliated to both ARC and UK Athletics.
Please note that your club’s affiliation to UK: Athletics does not mean that you qualify for the £2 discounted entry fee for a race. To get this you need to be BOTH a member of a UK Athletics affiliated club and to additionally hold a EA registration number / competition licence. This requires a £5 fee on top of your basic club membership fee.
Contact us and we will sort you out.
If you haven’t received your number by the end of November, please contact us with your name, age and sex and we will investigate.
Sorry. Like most races we cannot accept transfers to the following year. Thank you for supporting Scouting in Keyworth
Sorry. Like most races we cannot accept cancellations. Thank you for supporting Scouting in Keyworth .
In recent years the race has filled on the day we opened online entry. Entry sometimes stays open for a week or so, depending on how fast the race fills.
We can, but it can take a while, depending what stage entry processing has reached. Let us have your name, sex and age and an idea of when you sent your entry.
If we have taken your money then you have a place. You should have received a confirmation email.
We process the entries in one big batch and send them all out together at least one month before the day of the race, usually on the first or second Sunday in November.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, online entries for the Turkey Trot open on the 3rd Monday in September.
Unfortunately, Covid-19 counts as unforeseen circumstances. For updates on the entry situation for 2021, please refer to our Facebook feed.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, the race takes place on the second Sunday in December.
We collect information solely for the purposes of race administration. We NEVER pass information to third parties unless this is necessary for the purposes of race administration, or to meet the requirements of our race licence. For example we would fully cooperate with an UK Athletics information request. In addition we would cooperate with the authorities in the case of a legal inquiry.
Your name and address may be given to the clothing supplier so they can print entrants’ names on clothing.
Details necessary for results classification are passed to our timing subcontractor for the administration of chip-timed results. Results information is published on their website.
We store all of your entry details on computer. We retain paper entry slips for up to five years and these are occasionally used to verify an entrant’s information for a future race if we are finding it difficult to make contact by telephone or e-mail.
We do not operate a reserve list for three reasons. Firstly a reserve list would create a lot of extra admin for us and reduce the time we have available for organising other aspects of the race. Secondly, it would be difficult to operate a reserve list in a fair and consistent manner. Thirdly and most importantly, we would have to reduce our race limit to offset the extra runners on the ground a reserve list would generate. This is because we factor the number of runners that do not turn up on the day into our calculation when setting up the race limit which is based on entries.
Before online entry opens, this website shows a countdown to the opening of online entries. The race fills very quickly, so the first indication that it is full is that you can’t enter on the RunBritain website after online entry has been opened. We update the homepage to reflect this, after entries have been closed on RunBritain.
The race limit was imposed due to the capacity of the facilities at the start and finish of the race. Increasing the limit would require a change of venue and alter the nature of the event. There are no plans to increase the race limit.
The race is organised by the 1st Keyworth Scout Group Executive Committee. This is a bit like a Parent Teacher Association at a School. The Committee includes Parents and Leaders and its duties include fundraising. A number of the committee members are runners. The race is the main source of funding for Scouting in Keyworth.
You can email us at You can find other details on the entry form and running instructions.